Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Degree Mills and Accreditation Mills

"Diploma mill credentials devalue the legitimate degrees earned by millions of individuals through hard work, persistence and achieve...


In the last four hours alone, we had readers from the United States to Saudi Arabia to Burma to the UK and everywhere in between! Your suppo...

Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

3 University Of District Columbia Professors Hold Degrees That Deceive: Sport Ph.D.s From 'Diploma Mills'

3 University Of District Columbia Professors Hold Degrees That Deceive: Sport Ph.D.s From 'Diploma Mills' 3 University Of District C...

9000 Blog Views and an email from Random Hypnotist

To date, we've had almost 9,000 page views. That means 9,000 more people know who is scamming the world with fake doctorates than before...

Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

In Progress! A microscopic examination of the Board of Directors of Alpha University

A microscopic examination of the Board of Directors of the degree mill known as "Alpha University." We have previously written abo...

Jumat, 21 Desember 2012

Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Barry Seedman, Sedona, Arizona and New York, FAKE Doctorate,

We found this guy after we busted Wayson Lee for falsely purporting to have a doctorate from the degree mill known as Albert University (See...

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Shelley Stockwell, of the International Hypnosis Federation, FAKE PhD *UPDATED*

Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, president, owner, member, and founder of the International Hypnosis Federation in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. Shel...

Patti Scott, Patricia Scott, Palm Harbor, FL - FAKE Doctorate

We thank Scott Sandland and his HypnoThoughts Live for this referral as well. Patti Scott, aka Patricia Scott, of Unlimited Possibilities Hy...

Robert Otto, Owner of IMDHA and IACT, FAKE PhD!

When we saw this guy was presenting at Scott Sandland's HypnoThoughts Live, we decided to take a closer look. Robert Otto, owner of the ...

William Mitchell, Springfield, IL - FAKE Doctorate

William Mitchell of Springfield, Illinois claims to have earned a "Professional Doctorate of Hypnotherapy" from Madison Universit...

Marla Brucker - San Diego, CA - FAKE Doctorate!

Meet Marla Brucker of the San Diego Hypnosis Center . We would like to thank Scott Sandland's HypnoThoughts Live for tipping us off on t...

How Many FAKE Doctorates Will Be Presenting At Scott Sandland's HypnoThoughts Live?

Over the next few days, we will be pointing out those with FAKE doctorates who are scheduled to present at Scott Sandland's HypnoThought...

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Do you know a FAKE Doctor? Let us know!

We intend to post the identity of each and every individual who falsely purports to have a doctorate. If you know of one, let us know. Contr...


Melissa Tiers of The Center for Integrative Hypnosis in New York City is committing degree fraud as she purports to have earned a Doctorate...

Hans-Peter Zimmermann speaks out on the American Institute of Hypnotherapy

We found this blog by former American Institute of Hypnotherapy "student" and "degree recipient" Hans-Peter Zimmermann, ...

Jennifer Johnson, Fairfax, VA - FAKE Doctorate!

Jennifer P. Johnson, of Johnson Hypnotherapy and http://www.beahealthynonsmoker.com/ in Fairfax, Virginia, claims to have earned a Doctor ...

Alpha University - Degree Mill

Alpha University We received several reports from individuals claiming to have earned a PhD from Alpha University. We previously busted Tere...