Jumat, 09 November 2012

Nikki Goldman - Fake PhD Hypnotist

"Dr." Nikki Goldman, who has offices in Poway, CA and Temecula, CA is the next fraud who found their way into our sights. On her website at http://www.drnikkigoldman.com/, she claims to have earned her "Ph.D. in hypnotherapy in 1989." Of course, she doesn't state from where. Nor does she cite any bonafide academic credentials. If you're a follower of this blog, you know these are the red flags to look out for. And you also know that there are absolutely NO legitimate doctoral program in hypnosis. That's zip...zero...zilch...nada. You're busted, Nikki Goldman.

Nikki Goldman - Fake PhD Hypnotist Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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