A few days ago Van Der Smissen wrote to us, defending her right to call herself "Dr." This is what she wrote:
Dear Whistle Blower,
I just ran across your blogg concerning me and was appalled about what you wrote concerning my credentials! I hold an undergraduate degree in Psychology and in German, a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology and a post graduate degree (CAGS) in Counseling Psychology all from the University of New Hampshire. It took me 7 years to complete my doctoral work that you call fake, how dare you! I am still licensed by the State Board of Education in NH. I have worked as a counselor for 30 years and enjoy a very fine professional reputation around my State. I have also helped many clients who are still grateful to me with hypnotherapy since 1987.
I am a two time cancer survivor and I often assist people who have cancer. I frequently donate my services to these clients. I am 73 years old, born in Germany where I spent the first 20 years of my life. I worked very hard for everything I have ever achieved. I am only practicing part time now but it is an honor for me to still be able to help people and to empower them to achieve their goals.
I plan on consulting with my lawyer but I would like to ask you kindly to remove your blogg about me from the internet. I do hold an unconventional doctorate which started out as a DCC (doctor of clinical hypnotherapy) from the American Institute of Hypnotherapy in California. That program was accredited by the Dpt. of Secondary Education in CA. Toward the end of my studies I transferred my credits to a European University who created this degree program based on my California studies for me. My post graduate degree from UNH alone is more than adequate to practice with. I am a professional with legitimate degrees who belongs to professional associations that one can only belong to with an appropriate license.
If I may make a suggestion, it would be nice of you to contact people at least by email before you put such damaging information on the internet so that a person has an opportunity to communicate with you first.
I look forward to your reply,
Christa van der Smissen
Our Response
Let's make a few things very clear, Christa Van Der Smissen. A CAGS (aka Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study) is NOT a PhD. It is not even a "post graduate degree." It is merely a certificate of recognition for having completed post-master's course work. These are usually given when people fall short of having completed a doctorate.
Please, consult with your lawyer who earned a legitimate Juris Doctorate and try to convince your lawyer to bring this before a judge, who also earned a legitimate JD. I'm sure your case will go over very well.
Further, there is no such thing as an "unconventional doctorate." And suddenly, you're claiming to have transferred your "credits" to a "European University" which "created this degree program?" Who do you think you're fooling?
Also, you state "I am a professional with legitimate degrees who belongs to professional association that one can only belong to with an appropriate license." On your webpage, you claim to be a member of the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists, the National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Psychology, the New England Society of Clinical Hypnosis, the New Hampshire School Counselors Association, and the American Counseling Association.
None of the organizations require a PhD for membership. In fact, the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists, the National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Psychology, and the New England Society of Clinical Hypnosis require nothing other a payment of dues or an interest in hypnosis or NLP.
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