Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

Tampa FL Hypnotist Arrested for Posing as a Doctor

"Sandra Rovhana had all the makings of a doctor.  She's well-spoken, intelligent and armed with framed certificates from various in...

Senin, 06 Mei 2013

Former PhD Fraud Recants Fake Doctorate

Another victory was had today when we received this email from an individual who we exposed on this blog. This individual removed all refere...

Selasa, 30 April 2013

Jumat, 26 April 2013

PhD-Fraud Roy Hunter Speaks Out On Fake PhD and Alpha University

Today, Roy Hunter, a PhD fraud who we previously exposed, wrote an open letter on Scott Sandland's HypnoThoughts.com . Our response will...

Rabu, 17 April 2013

Attorney for Travis Fox speaks out

We heard today from an alleged attorney for Travis Fox, the celebrity we ousted for falsely purporting to hold a doctorate yet, alleges to h...

Former Client of "DR." Larry Volz Speaks Out

A former client of the PhD-fraud Larry Volz reached out to us today. They lost over $2000 on this fraudster. They requested anonymity, so we...

Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Paul McKenna, DJ turned Hypnotist "Earned" Fake Doctorate

Taken from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-398025/Paul-McKenna-wins-court-battle-fraud-claims--price.html Paul McKenna wins ...

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Wyoming fights diploma mill website

Wyoming fights diploma mill website : The state of Wyoming is pursuing legal action to stop a Cheyenne-based website that offers degrees i...

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Readers respond to Scott Sandland blog

I've never met Scott Sandland but a friend of mine just graduated from his school.  From what I've heard and seen from her, that i...

Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

Are We Being Too Hard On Scott Sandland?

We received an email today in defense of Scott Sandland, the proprietor behind the HypnoThoughts website. I'd like to share it with our ...

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

Thank you for your support!

We wanted to take a moment to thank you for your support. There is clearly a silent majority of people who, like us, believe that using fake...

Roy Hunter Still Going At It With His Fake PhD

Despite being aware of our blog, Roy Hunter is still going at it by scamming others with his fake Ph.D -and with the help of Scott Sandland&...

Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

Carol Look, New York, NY, Fake PhD for the EFT

We would like to bring to our spotlight, Ms. Carol Look of Attracting Abundance in New York, NY. Carol is a the so-called EFT Master. EFT m...

Hena Husain - Sterling Heights, Michigan - PhD FAKE

Hena Husain of Balance4Life in Sterling Heights, MI claims to have earned a doctorate in Behavioral Science from Alpha University. Readers ...

Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Wayson Lee, PhD Fraud, Strikes Back...Or Tries To

A while ago, we wrote about Wayson Lee from Washington, DC, who FALSELY claimed to have earned a PhD, a Doctor of Clinical Hypnosis. See htt...

Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013

Marianna Lead, New York - FAKE PhD!

Marianna Lead of the Goal Imagery Institute in New York is another one of those people who never earned a doctorate (and from what we can t...

Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

Hypnotist renounces fake PhD from Alpha University

Another well-known hypnotist and teacher of hypnosis from the UK, has renounced his scam PhD he supposedly earned from "Alpha Universit...

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Fight back! Post our blog everywhere!

We received word that some of the sleaze bag degree frauds identified here are trying hard to bury our blog by lowering our Google rankings....

Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Another UK-Based PhD Fraud Renounces Bogus Degree

The individual wrote to us today and stated: "I have been informed that I appear on your blog as having a fake doctorate. It should b...

Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Another PhD Faker RIghts The Wrong

We received word that a hypnotist in Michigan, USA had renounced the fake PhD they supposedly "earned" from Alpha University. The ...

APHP Chairman and Others Renounce their PhDs

An interesting thread surfaced recently on the hypnosis blog site, HypnoThoughts.com, entitled, "APHP Chairman and Others Renounce thei...

Denis Brady - Ocala, Deland, Florida - Multiple Fake PhDs

Denis Brady, Dennis Brady, or D.A. Brady, of The National Board of Professional and Ethical Standards (yes, we were laughing as we wrote th...

Fake PhD Realizes Error and Retracts Fake PhD

We have received confirmation that a UK-based hypnotist whose name was posted on this blog had retracted their false use of doctoral credent...

John McGrail - Los Angeles, CA - Doctor of Fraud

John McGrail 's webpage reads, "Dr. John McGrail is more than a clinical hypnotherapist." This is probably true, because he is...

Jack Rhodes - Oklahoma City - FAKE Doctorate

Jack Rhodes, president and founder of MFTI, Inc. ( Your Mental Gym ) in Oklahoma City. He claims to have earned a PhD in Behavioral Science ...